Smart Sensors

Smart sensors

The Building Automation Devices You Need

Deploy HALO Smart sensors to enable faster responses and increase situational awareness.

The HALO Smart Sensor is an IoT device that captures comprehensive health, safety, and vaping awareness data and metrics. It is the #1 vape detector worldwide for vaping and vaping with THC detection. As of 2023, HALO has won over 75 awards and is in thousands of school districts nationwide to help combat the vaping epidemic. HALO Smart Sensor monitoring devices and systems are effective for schools and other markets, such as healthcare facilities, hospitality, commercial buildings, apartment complexes, assisted living, and more.


Smart Sensors

The #1 vape detector and indoor air quality monitoring device. HALO provides both a real-time Air Quality and Health Index that sends alerts when either index falls into danger zones. Receive critical automated reports that show a healthy indoor environment and/or validate that facility improvement is needed.

Get in Touch

Have questions? We can help. Our communication and video security experts can help you implement the right security system for your business.